Choosing the Right Nonprofit Logo [Infographic]

Julia Claire Campbell Infographics, Nonprofits Leave a Comment

nonprofit logo design processWhen my daughter turned 2, I first understood the sheer power of logos and branding.

We were driving in the car, and we passed one of many Dunkin’ Donuts in my town – I live north of Boston, and Dunkin’ Donuts are like oxygen around here.

As we drove past, my daughter pointed her tiny hand at the sign and said “Donut.”

Even at that young age, she understood that when mommy goes to this place to get her large iced coffee, she often gets a munchkin.

She understood that the orange and brown letters equal donuts. Wow!!!

(That’s also when I realized I was going through the drive through WAY too much, but that’s another story!)

How to Create a Nonprofit Social Media Toolkit

Logos convey so much about a brand.

They are often the first impression that your supporters will have with your brand, especially online or on social media channels, where your logo has to fit into tiny profile photo spaces, and follows you around with every tweet and every post.

Need to up your logo game? Thinking of a rebranding, and exploring working with a designer?

Check out this infographic first!

Elevation created this handy checklist to walk you through the six steps that graphic designers take when creating a new logo for a client.

Then check out their article featuring the 75 best nonprofit logos to help you get inspiration for your own organization!

Nonprofit Logo Design Process [Infographic]




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