Daily Dose – Social Media Tip of the Day for January 21, 2012
Using Facebook as your professional Page (vs. your personal Profile) has many benefits.
You can interact with other Pages as your professional brand, to gain more exposure and to get more credibility.
Like, Post and Comment on other professional pages frequently as your Page.
Also, it is easy to share other Page’s content directly on your Page, as well as Comment on and Like items. You can use it as you would your personal Profile in many of the same ways.
Aim to do this at least once a day to create rapport, build your online community and generate goodwill towards your brand.
WARNING: Don’t spam or hard sell! These tools should primarily be used to congratulate, acknowledge, share valuable information or to share your opinion. You will quickly get blocked and flagged as a spammer if you fill other’s Pages with promotional information about yourself.
(If you don’t have a professional Facebook Page, find out how to set one up here or give me a call.)