Starting a social media campaign can be a scary proposition for most nonprofits.
Horror stories abound – staff members going “rogue” and posting inappropriate Facebook photos, volunteers tweeting too much information, negative comments being left in LinkedIn Groups.
With all the fear mongering and bad news being reported on the incorrect use of social media and online tools, it is no wonder that nonprofits are wary of jumping into the social media pool.
In a nonprofit organization, confidentiality is paramount – a violation online (or offline) could lead to loss of jobs, loss of funding, loss of community trust or worse.
Common fears include:
- “Our client and staff identities need to be protected or lives will be at risk.” Example: A domestic violence shelter.
- “We are worried that potential clients who need us will be less likely to seek our services if they think there is a danger of their name or other identifying information being revealed.” Example: An HIV counseling center.
- “Our nonprofit deals with a controversial issue and we are afraid that we may be the target of online harassment.” Example: A gay rights organization.
While this fear is understandable, it is also counterproductive. The benefits of using social media to interact with donors and build an online community vastly outweigh the negatives.
Here are 5 steps you can take to help ensure your clients’ privacy will not be violated as you transition your organization into the online world.
1) Create clear and concise policies for all staff and volunteers. Before you jump onto the social media bandwagon (even before you get a website or email newsletter), your nonprofit should have protocols and policies in place to empower and educate employees and volunteers.
You may be surprised what your current staff and volunteers DON’T know about policies already in place, but not readily enforced. Your organization needs to ensure that everyone is on the same page about:
- What information should be confidential and why. Is the safety of the staff and clients at stake if there is a confidentiality breach? Will you lose funding? Will you lose integrity and lose the trust of the community?
- What breaches of confidentiality look like. Give examples, either from real life or made up. Show offline and online examples.
- The individual consequences for ignoring this policy. What will happen? Will they get fired? Unpaid leave?
2) Think carefully about your community and your clients. If you cater to teens and youth, you do have a responsibility to protect against predators and inappropriate language/behavior online as well as off. Adapt the policies you use in real life to keep your participants safe – what do you do when they are in your center or classroom? Is there always an adult present? What policies are the most important to you on the ground and how can they be modified to the online world?
3) Review the policies already in place for staff and volunteers to give context to online confidentiality policies.
- What can be shared in writing (print and electronic) and what cannot?
- What can be saved to the organization’s servers and an individual desktop computer, laptop or tablet?
- What should not be left out on a desk after hours?
- What should always be filed or shredded?
4) Hold interactive trainings on social media tools and good ways to use them. Your staff and volunteers already have social media accounts of some form or another – you can bet on that. Provide them with helpful guidelines as to what is acceptable to share online. This is a perfect teachable moment for younger people in the office who may not be accustomed to censoring themselves online in any way, and will also create security for others who may not be sure where the boundary is. Topics to cover include:
- Communications training – how all staff and volunteers represent the nonprofit even on personal accounts;
- What is appropriate to share and what is not on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, personal blogs, etc.?
- Is fundraising ok? Promoting events? Sharing articles relating to the nonprofit cause? Advocating?
- Is checking in ok? (Think Facebook Places and Foursquare.)
5) Develop internal and external social media policies for your organization. Questions to ask include:
- What will you encourage people to post on your nonprofit’s Facebook page, and what is inappropriate?
- Will you enable picture tagging?
- Will you let your clients interact in your online communities as long as they are anonymous? This is a topic for a future blog post, but it is important to start thinking about the rules of the road for your online community as you go forward.
A positive way to think about social media and confidentiality comes from this quote by Jayne Cravens, TechSoup’s Community Forum Manager: “The best way to protect confidentiality is to think about humans as much, if not more, than the technology.”
- There shouldn’t be a “social media person”. Social media should be interwoven into the culture of the organization and not in a silo.
- Do your best to encourage an open, transparent culture of education and empowerment, not of accusations and finger pointing.
- Change the organizational culture to one of being open and receptive to online tools, not closed off and fearful. (Trust me, these tools aren’t going anywhere.)
Allison Fine, co-author with Beth Kanter of the book, The Networked Nonprofit: Connecting with Social Media to Drive Change, wrote: “It’s easy to look for reasons not do something, and we have been acculturated to think of that as smart management. But the risk of not becoming more social is too great to let fear continue to be the default setting for our organizations.”
Idealware – The Nonprofit Social Media Policy Workbook
Mikal E. Belicove – The 10 Ds of Creating a Social Media Use Policy
Debra Askanase – Using Social Media in Your Nonprofit: Overcoming Objections
Please share your thoughts in the Comments section, and share on your social networks! Thanks for reading!
Comments 2
Julia, Thanks for linking to my article as a resource. It’s nice to see a fresh new post on overcoming objections to social media. I especially loved the TechSoup quote that really puts it into perspective: humans, above all else!
In the past year, I’ve not seen as many concerns about using social media as concerns about how to manage the time it takes and the potential pitfalls of staff using social media. Idealware’s DIY social media policy handbook is a great resource, as you’ve mentioned, to address the latter concern.
I love Idealware’s handbook. I agree – people are still concerned about privacy issues but are now almost more worried about becoming overwhelmed by these ever-changing tools.