Last night I attended a pretty standard nonprofit fundraising event – a fashion show at a local restaurant, complete with silent auction.
The event was very well put together, but what stood out to me most were the two videos played during the introductions.
The first was from Bottom Line. While longer than I normally recommenced (clocking in a 6 minutes 46 seconds), I enjoyed the way they immediately opened with the faces and stories of Bottom Line graduates, describing what a college degree means to them.
The video goes on to feature a specific Bottom Line student and her college application process. It is very relatable, very real and definitely gives you a great sense of the program and the lives they are changing.
The second video was from Cradles to Crayons. At a little bit over 2 minutes, it is a great length.
The video starts out with a bit of the Founder’s Story. She discusses why she created the organization and what it’s meant to do – create a formal structure so that the haves can give back to the have-nots in a tangible, concrete way.
It offers social proof by way of Bill Clinton and Deval Patrick, and the video also shows volunteers in action and details one child’s story (through a teacher’s narrative).
I also liked that the video worked in some startling statistics for extra impact – I did not know that the average age of a homeless person is America is 9 years old. That’s shocking, and makes me immediately want to know how I can help.
What are some other examples of great nonprofit videos that you’ve seen? Please share in the comments.
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NEW POST –> 2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling
RT @JuliaCSocial: NEW POST –> 2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling
#mustread RT @JuliaCSocial: NEW POST –> 2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
RT @ChrisDeGraff: 2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
RT @ChrisDeGraff: 2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
RT @ChrisDeGraff: 2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great #nonprofit video #storytelling: @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
2 examples of great nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
Two examples of great #nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
Two examples of great #nonprofit video storytelling via @JuliaCSocial
Dear Julia,
As you asked for some great NonProfit Video_Examples…here are some:
– It’s a blog spin off from my German Blog, with a Video-of-the-week category, and their you can find some of the most impressive video-work from the NonProfit sector. I promise!
I am working – like you – nearly 100% for NGOs and host a network of filmmakers worldwide – – with the purpose to let big NGOs hire their camera-crews in developing countries when shooting there – as you have high skilled guys there as well. Over the years NGOs found this idea very reasonable and corresponding better to their complience.
…and besides I am a cinema producer in Europe.
Jan, these are fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing!