What is Facebook doing for #GivingTuesday 2018

What is Facebook Doing for #GivingTuesday 2018?

Julia Claire Campbell Fundraising, Nonprofits, Online Fundraising Leave a Comment

What is Facebook doing for #GivingTuesday 2018#GivingTuesday 2018 is coming up fast!

Last year 45 million dollars were raised on Facebook on #GivingTuesday, marking 15% of the total amount raised!

That’s almost half a million people giving money, to more than 46,000 organizations.

The best part? 75% were first-time donors on Facebook, and 20% have donated again via Facebook.

This isn’t a moment, it’s a movement! 

In 2017, Facebook announced that it would partner with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to match up to $2 million in donations.

Facebook also waived it’s processing fees on the platform for the day, which eventually led to permanently waiving all fees for donations made with it’s fundraising tools (to eligible US-based nonprofits).

This was quite an announcement, and the move is credited with spurring 15% of all donations collected on #GivingTuesday 2017.

So what can nonprofit expect from Facebook on #GivingTuesday 2018?

Matching Donations

Building on the incredible momentum from 2017 and the popularity of it’s birthday fundraising feature, this year Facebook is partnering with PayPal to match up to $7 million in donations made on Facebook to eligible US-based 501(c)(3) nonprofits.

The Fine Print

  • The match applies to fundraisers for nonprofit organizations, including birthday fundraisers and Donate buttons.
  • Fundraisers for personal causes aren’t eligible to receive the match.
  • The matching dollars are available to any US-based nonprofit that can receive donations made on Facebook.
  • If you’re located outside the United States and want to fundraise for an eligible US-based nonprofit, donations to your fundraiser are eligible to be matched.
  • Donations up to $250k per nonprofit and $20k per donor are eligible to be matched.
  • Facebook and PayPal will match donations starting at 5am PST on November 27 and continue matching donations to nonprofits until the $7M match runs out.

Helpful Tools for Admins

Nonprofit Page administrators can now post thank you messages directly inside Facebook Fundraisers

If you have a nonprofit Page that is registered with Facebook Payments, Page Admin’s can thank Facebook Fundraiser creators with a thank you post directly on their Fundraiser page.

How to do it:

  1. Click on the “Fundraisers” tab on the left side of your nonprofit’s Facebook Page.
  2. Click on a Fundraiser.
  3. Write a post on their Fundraiser page where it says “write something”.
  4. Add an optional photo, video, or tag.
  5. Hit “Post”.

Your thank you post will appear on the the creator’s Facebook Fundraiser page!

Facebook fundraisers

Facebook also rolled out updated reporting, where nonprofits can now select a range of dates and have daily transaction reports emailed in one spreadsheet instead of downloading multiple CSVs.

Expanded Ways to Participate

For Individuals


For Nonprofits


For Companies, Brands, & Businesses


For Public Figures & Celebrities


Will your nonprofit be using Facebook’s free fundraising tools on #GivingTuesday? Why or why not? Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments, or jump in the nonprofit social media Facebook Group

5 Key Decisions Your Nonprofit Needs to Make Before #GivingTuesday [WORKSHEET]

#GivingTuesday is right around the corner, and it's never too early to start planning!

It’s tempting to see the astounding fundraising numbers from last year - over $380,000,000 raised online - and think that this day of giving will automatically work for your nonprofit.

Before putting time and resources into #GivingTuesday, there are 5 key decisions to consider. Fill out this worksheet before planning your #GivingTuesday campaign!

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