Social Media for Social Good Academy is open! Will you be one of my students? Click here to find out more. 94% of NGOs worldwide agree that social media is effective for creating online brand awareness. 30% of nonprofit website traffic currently comes from social media. And the best part? 36% of social media users say that they have used …
Engaging Your Nonprofit Community Through Storytelling & Social Media
Here are the slides from my presentation this morning to the People’s United Nonprofit Consortium on the topic of nonprofit storytelling and social media. Enjoy! Engaging Your Nonprofit Community Through Storytelling & Social Media from Julia Campbell – J Campbell Social Marketing
Telling Your Nonprofit Story With Social Media
These are the slides from a free seminar I provided to a group at the Nonprofit Net in Lexington, MA. Enjoy! Takeaways: * How to use digital and visual storytelling strategies * What stories you should be telling online * How to use photo and video-sharing tools to connect with supporters
One Fundamental Thing Nonprofits Need To Know About Social Media
One of my favorite nonprofit technology evangelists is Amy Sample Ward, the innovative and creative CEO of the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN). Association Mavens has an insightful interview with Amy, and her perspective about social media, nonprofits and the future of nonprofit technology. The most important point Amy makes is regarding the tendency of nonprofits to jump on the latest new social …
10 Nonprofit Social Media Resolutions for 2014 (part 2 of 2)
Part 1 of this two-part series is here. It’s not too late to create resolutions for the New Year! As a busy nonprofit professional, you have to wear many hats and extinguish multiple fires each day. With technology changing so rapidly and social media moving so quickly, how will you know what to prioritize in 2014? Here are the last …