In Defense of Social Media Slacktivism

In Defense of Social Media Slacktivism

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media 9 Comments

The word “slacktivism” has surfaced so much of late that I feel the need to write a defense of the much–maligned practice. “Slacktivism” can be loosely defined as sharing a post online, signing an online petition and tweeting a link to a charity’s website. Cynicism Exhibit A: Brian Moylan wrote a provocatively titled post calling everyone who posted the red …

How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media Marketing Tools to Accomplish Their Missions

Social Media for Social Good: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media Marketing Tools to Accomplish Their Missions [PRESENTATION]

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media, Speaking, Strategy 1 Comment

Here are the slides from a presentation I did this morning at SAYMedia Salem! Thank you to Kevin Letourneau and the Salem YMCA for setting it up and thanks to all the attendees! Social Media for Social Good: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media Marketing Tools to Accomplish Their Missions Sponsored by SAYmedia at the Salem YMCA Presented by Julia C. Campbell Are you thinking about …

Think more about the Why and Less about the How in Social Media

Think more about the Why and Less about the How in Social Media

Julia Claire Campbell Social Media, Strategy 8 Comments

Here are the two most frequently asked questions in my experience in the field of social media marketing: 1.  What social media tools should I use? 2.  How much time should I spend on social media? The answer is – I can’t give you these answers. I need you to answer some questions for me first. (Note: If anyone gives …

Pinning for Good – How Nonprofits Can Use Pinterest to Raise Money, Create Awareness and Do Good

Pinning for Good – How Nonprofits Can Use Pinterest to Raise Money, Create Awareness and Do Good

Julia Claire Campbell Fundraising, Marketing, Nonprofits, Online Fundraising, Pinterest, Social Media 1 Comment

Here are the slides from Tuesday’s webinar: Pinning for Good – How Nonprofits Can Use Pinterest to Raise Money, Create Awareness and Do Good from Description: In this free webinar you will learn how to use Pinterest to promote your cause, to gain a dedicated following and to raise more money. Topics to be covered include: Why your nonprofit needs to get …

Facebook Is Still King – But Don’t Ignore the Rest of the Social Media Court

Facebook Is Still King – But Don’t Ignore the Rest of the Social Media Court

Julia Claire Campbell Facebook, Marketing, Nonprofits, Social Media 2 Comments

Facebook (love it or hate it) is where people are. Facebook continues to be a vital part in (most of) our daily lives. The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project found that 92% of people using social networking sites maintain a profile on Facebook. 92%! If you are developing a social media marketing strategy, you can’t ignore that …

3 Reasons Your Nonprofit Should Absolutely Be Interested In Pinterest

3 Reasons Your Nonprofit Should Absolutely Be Interested In Pinterest

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Pinterest, Social Media 2 Comments

I’m sure that by now someone has brought up this question – either at a Board meeting, marketing meeting or just in passing: Should our nonprofit be interested in Pinterest? The short answer is – YES! Note: Before jumping on any social network, your nonprofit should think about overall fundraising and marketing strategy and staff capacity first, and the tools …

Nonprofit Content Creation

5 content ideas for nonprofits that think they have nothing to write/post/tweet about

Julia Claire Campbell Content Creation, Nonprofits, Social Media 5 Comments

As a marketing-savvy nonprofit professional, you know you need to create compelling content each and every day for your various online profiles – Facebook, Twitter, Google+, blog, email newsletter, etc. You don’t want to simply rehash the same information on every platform, because what fun would that be for your followers and fans? But how do you consistently find interesting …

3 simple social media tips that will make your fans and followers love you

3 simple social media tips to make your fans and followers love you

Julia Claire Campbell Content Creation, Nonprofits, Social Media 8 Comments

Does this sound like you? You dutifully post every day on two or more social media profiles for your organization. You try to follow the 80/20 rule (no more than 20% of all posts directly promoting something for your organization) but sometimes get caught up in posting boring news clippings and event listings.   You frequently post inspirational quotes, cute …

Don't put all your eggs into the online fundraising basket - yet

Don’t put all your eggs into the online giving basket – yet

Julia Claire Campbell Fundraising, Nonprofits, Online Fundraising 1 Comment

Each year nonprofit software provider Blackbaud Inc. analyzes $8 billion worth of U.S. charitable gifts to 3,000 nonprofits and releases their Charitable and Online Giving Index. This tool is very helpful for nonprofits to identify trends in the sector, as well as compare their progress to other organizations based on size, revenue and area of focus. In the 2012 Index, …