The power of public opinion is an astounding thing, and it’s something I never get tired of reading about – especially when it works hand in hand with social media. It all started last week with the comment heard round the ‘Net. Political radio host and notorious blowhard Rush Limbaugh attacked a Georgetown University law student, calling her a “slut” …
Explore the unknown in social media
To begin our week, I am giving you, my dear reader, an assignment. Your Social Media assignment for today, should you choose to accept it: Explore a social networking site that you are not currently using. Maybe it’s Google+, maybe it’s Twitter, Pinterest, or even Facebook. Step 1: Type in the address or Google it if you are not …
Do great work. [PHOTO]
I love this quote from Steve Jobs. True words to live by!
How to create a kick-ass Facebook Cover photo
Facebook launched the Timeline layout for profiles in December, with the promise that the Timeline format will eventually be mandatory for Profiles across the board. Upon hearing this announcement, some people cried, some people screamed, but many individuals took advantage of the new Facebook “real estate” to get pretty darn creative. Here are three of my favorite individual Profile Cover …
Around the social web in just 60 seconds
Social Jumpstart, a social media marketing firm based in San Francisco, created an awe-inspiring infographic detailing what happens in 60 seconds on the social web. This is a perfect piece of research to show any Social Media Skeptics in your life, or your boss when she says “Isn’t that all a waste of time?” Wrap your brain around these statistics: Every minute …
8 reasons why promoting your business through a Profile instead of a Page is a cardinal Facebook sin
First off, an important clarification. Facebook Business Pages are used for businesses and organizations. Pages have numerous advantages over Profiles for business use. Pages cannot be set to private (because really, what would be the point?), but Administrators can monitor and control posts to the Wall. Facebook Profiles are used by individuals, and a user can change the privacy settings …
What have you done for me lately?
People use social media to add value to their life – personally and professionally. There are not many hard and fast lines dividing these two in social media, especially on the more “casual” networks like Facebook and Pinterest. Your customers are constantly looking for the next big thing that can add value to their life. If you are boring, stale …
You’re good. [PHOTO]
I love this quote from Don Draper, addressing Peggy Olson and telling her that’s she’s talented and to stop feeling sorry for herself! Enjoy the weekend!
3 Blogs You Need To Read Right Now
In honor of #FollowFriday, I will share with you the three blogs I always read and why. Enjoy! Seth Godin’s Blog I never miss a post from Seth’s blog. I read it every single day, mostly on my phone over coffee in the morning. It is uncanny how he always manages to hit on an issue I’ve been struggling with, …