Does this sound like you? You dutifully post every day on two or more social media profiles for your organization. You try to follow the 80/20 rule (no more than 20% of all posts directly promoting something for your organization) but sometimes get caught up in posting boring news clippings and event listings. You frequently post inspirational quotes, cute …
Don’t put all your eggs into the online giving basket – yet
Each year nonprofit software provider Blackbaud Inc. analyzes $8 billion worth of U.S. charitable gifts to 3,000 nonprofits and releases their Charitable and Online Giving Index. This tool is very helpful for nonprofits to identify trends in the sector, as well as compare their progress to other organizations based on size, revenue and area of focus. In the 2012 Index, …
7 reasons your nonprofit Facebook page has no fans
“We have a mailing list of about 2,500 people and we are well-known in the community. But no one likes our Facebook Page!” “We do such great work! Why don’t we have more followers?” “We’ve been on Facebook for a year but our audience has hardly grown. How can we grow our online community?” Do any of these problems sound familiar …
Using Social Media In The Aftermath of Sandy Hook
Like most parents, I’ve been trying to put into words what I’ve been feeling since first hearing about the horrible events that unfolded in Newtown, Connecticut. I still can’t. Helpless is the only world I can come up with – total, utter helplessness. And, also, anger. Horrible, unspeakable things happen in our world every single day. But the visceral, raw …
Congress Is On Instagram – Why Isn’t Your Nonprofit?
What was once a bastion for teens and the tech-savvy to share photos of their feet at the beach, food porn and tall buildings shot from interesting angles, Instagram has now attracted a new set of users – politicians. According to The Hill’s Twitter Room, Congressmen and women are now jumping on the Instagram bandwagon. Since being acquired by Facebook …
Pinning for Good: How UNICEF Uses Pinterest to Raise Awareness and Raise Funds
If you are like me, you have become hopelessly addicted to Pinterest. The uses, both personal and for business, are endless. Pin expensive, sparkly shoes and bags! Pin ideas for your Christmas party! Pin ideas for your child’s bedroom! Pin blog articles! Pin inspiring quotes! On the surface, Pinterest seems pretty shallow – an extension of our rampant consumerism. It …
Visualization on Social Media for Social Good [Infographic]
Logan Harper, the community manager for UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Government’s new online Masters in Public Administration program (MPA@UNC), reached out to me to post his new infographic on Social Media for Social Good. In it, he provides examples of successful nonprofit social media advocacy campaigns, as well as the elements of successful campaigns and emerging trends in charitable giving …
“The Truth” About Social Media and Nonprofits – Or Just Assumptions?
**CORRECTION: The post in question was a guest post by Jay Jones from Heller Consulting and not written by Frank Barry. I apologize for the mix-up.** Yesterday a blog I read avidly and respect ( by Blackbaud) published a post full of assumptions about nonprofits and social media, and I feel that I need to respond. The title of the post – The …