Daily Dose – Social Media Tip of the Day for January 20, 2012
I have clients who say “my business isn’t very interesting to people outside the industry” or “my nonprofit cause isn’t ‘sexy'”.
I’m willing to bet that’s not true. Every business and nonprofit has a story to tell. You just have to get visual.
Photo opportunities can be found everywhere you look – you just have to look.
Photos of what’s going on behind the scenes are very compelling to people visiting your Facebook page or Twitter feed. Show the results of what you do and why you do it!
Post a photo (with permission) of a satisfied customer, a happy client, a “before” and “after” series, a photo of your home office (where the “magic happens!”, a photo of the snow outside your window.
It’s all worth sharing if you make it interesting and if you get a little creative. Now get out there and start posting!