Monday’s horrific events have shaken all of us.
We all have stories of running the Boston Marathon or going to cheer a friend or loved one on as they completed (or attempted to complete) the rigorous, demanding 26.2 mile course.
Going into the city on Patriot’s Day is a rite of passage, an institution in Boston – whether you are going to the Sox game, observing the runners or just taking in the sights and sounds.
To think that someone, or some persons, would want to destroy the innocence and inspiration of this cherished event is unspeakable, unimaginable.
However, amongst all the bad news, there are hopeful stories about the best of human nature.
There are many ways to help and many ways to heal, and that is what I am writing about today.
Read about all the good people that risked their lives to save others in the aftermath of the two explosions. (Buzzfeed)
Read Erin Gloria Ryan’s incredible piece about The People Who Watch Marathons (and why the perpetrators of the attack have clearly never met any of them).
Read Era Klein’s reflections on what it takes to run a marathon, and why “If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon”.
“HeartsForBoston” campaign: Preorder a “Hearts for Boston” pin ($5), patch ($5) or t-shirt ($20) designed by local artist Dan Blakeslee as both a symbol of solidarity for the victims and to ensure a concrete measure of financial support for the Richard family.
My friend Jill Beilke designed a cool t-shirt. Her sister ran the marathon on Monday. Thankfully they are both safe and sound, but let’s help them raise some money for the survivors by purchasing this shirt. All proceeds go to The One Fund Boston, Inc.
The nonprofit TUGG (Technology Underwriting Greater Good) and Boston-based (@Joinfundraise) are raising donations to support the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing. Donate here:
North of Boston (where I live), attend tonight’s Salem Stands With Boston walk and vigil, or Saturday’s The Last Mile celebration in Boston.
Another great way to help others is through participation in National Volunteer Week next week (April 21st – April 27th). Check the Massachusetts Service Alliance page for details on projects in your area.
Don’t let the evil doers win. Go out, shop, eat, play, walk, run, help others.
Good people will always prevail.
Comments 4
Well said
Thanks Anthony!
Thanks for sharing more ways to help, Julia. We’re so blessed to live in the era of social media and blogging!
Thanks Michelle!