Are you looking to enhance your online marketing efforts this fall? Do you want to produce amazing visual content for your social media channels and watch your engagement skyrocket? Have you heard the hype about Facebook Live, but wonder how you can use it to grow your business? Do you enjoy learning in a small group environment where you have …
5 Reasons to Get Excited About Social Media Day
Social Media Day is almost here, and you should be just as I excited as I am! Why? Here are just 5 reasons: 1) Social media has completely revolutionized communications. It’s not a fad, or a trend, or even a marketing tactic – social media and all that comes with it, the good, the bad, and the ugly, have utterly changed …
How businesses can use social media – PowerPoint presentation
Attached to this post is a copy of my PowerPoint presentation to the North Shore Business Forum – I will be presenting there tomorrow at 7:30 AM. The NSBF meets each Friday morning from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. (registration starts at 7:15) at the Danversport Yacht Club, Route 62 East, Danvers, Massachusetts. Each meeting only costs a $10.00 admission fee which includes a …