Nonprofit Storytelling

A Road Map for Nonprofit Storytelling

Julia Claire Campbell Infographics, Nonprofits, Storytelling 1 Comment

I came across this great infographic from Classy, providing details and a road map for nonprofits who have great stories to tell but do not know how to tell them.

A compelling story starts out with a person – someone that the reader can relate to or empathize with. Little details make the person more relatable, so provide as much information as you can – the more colorful and unique, the better!

The person you describe must be in the middle of some kind of conflict. Maybe they are homeless, maybe they just lost their job, maybe they need access to clean water. The possibilities for conflict are endless – think about your nonprofit mission and the kinds of conflicts you help solve every day.

The villain of the story is an obstacle in the person’s way that they must overcome – no health insurance, no car, no access to education, etc.

Here is where your nonprofit comes in! How are you helping people like your main character defeat such villains? Describe how and why the reader is so crucial to the success of the main character in your story. Make the reader a part of the story.

An important part of telling a great nonprofit story is showing that while this story may have a happy ending, the fight isn’t over and the “villain” is not defeated. The reader must feel like they can help write a happy ending for more people. Get them enthused and interested in changing the trajectory of the story, and you will have a loyal donor!

Check out the full infographic on my Nonprofit Storytelling Pinterest board.

Telling a story - for nonprofits infographic

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  1. Pingback: A Road Map for Nonprofit Storytelling | The Ilze Halliday Foundation

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