Facebook and Instagram went down on Wednesday and people lost their minds.
They were worried they couldn’t get the latest updates from friends and family members, but also they lost their major source of news, information, and community.
Sound scary? It’s just reality!
Social media tools have completely revolutionized the way human beings communicate, research information, ask questions, and express themselves.
Love them or hate them, these platforms are here to stay.
So we may as well learn how to use them correctly. 😉
In today’s training, I detail the 3 main engagement crushing mistakes that I see nonprofits making with social media every single day.
1. You share boring stuff.
- Your mission is not enough.
- Even just a caption and a photo don’t work anymore.
- Your fans and followers do not owe you anything.
- Facebook doesn’t owe you anything.
- You have to earn it. It’s called earned media for a reason!
- You are not entitled to attention, praise, and engagement.
- Donors do not care about your organization simply because it’s your organization (unless it’s your BFF or mom) – they are funding the CAUSE.
2. You don’t understand who you are talking to.
Since I can’t speak specifically to your audience, let’s talk about donors in general:
- Donors feel overwhelmed by the giving process and that they get asked all the time, and never hear from you unless it’s to ask them for money.
- 49% don’t know how nonprofits use their money
- 34% feel hassled
- 20% are unsure who benefits from the work they’re funding
- The point is it doesn’t matter what you think you know – if they are telling you this, you better listen!
3. You don’t understand that each channel is an island.
- Each social media channel is a different country – and requires a different strategy.
- If you are saying “there’s no time” then just focus on one channel, and do it well.
Watch the video replay where I explain all of these steps in depth:
Join me on Monday October 16 on Belive.tv’s Facebook Page to celebrate their first birthday!
How do you get more engagement on your social media? I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments.