How Do Nonprofits Receive Donations Made on Facebook?

Julia Claire Campbell Facebook, Nonprofits, Online Fundraising, Social Media 5 Comments

Welcome to Facebook Fridays! Fridays at noon I take 15 minutes to help you navigate the crazy wilderness of Facebook for your nonprofit.

Today I answered your question: How do nonprofits receive donations made on Facebook?

There are three ways to receive donations made to your nonprofit on Facebook:

1. Nonprofits that are Registered with Facebook Payments

When a charitable organization that is registered with Facebook Payments has reached the minimum donation payout amount $100 USD, €100 or £100, it becomes eligible for a payout, which occurs on a bi-weekly basis.

The payout is an ACH/direct deposit to the organization’s bank account.

Payouts generally take 2 weeks to process. Funds donated between the 1st and 15th of a month will likely be paid out on the first day of the following month. Funds donated between the 16th and the end of the month will likely be paid between the 16th and 19th of the following month.

How to register with Facebook payments:  

2. Nonprofits that receive Payments through Network for Good’s Donor Advised Fund (available to US-based nonprofits only)

If a nonprofit isn’t registered with Facebook Payments, any donations it receives are distributed through Network for Good’s Donor Advised Fund.

If the nonprofit is registered with the Network for Good, the funds are sent by electronic transfer.

If the nonprofit isn’t registered with the Network for Good, a check is mailed to the organization.

Donations are usually distributed a month and a half after the last date of the month in which the donations were made. For example, a donation made in January will be sent to the nonprofit on March 15.

3. Fundraisers that are Linked to a Nonprofit’s Website

If a donation is made to a Facebook fundraiser linked to a campaign on a nonprofit’s website, the donation is distributed through the charitable organization’s payment processor.

Note: A nonprofit’s default payout currency may be U.S. dollars, pounds sterling or euros depending on where it’s based.

Note that Facebook recently announced that it will be syncing the availability of an API that allows nonprofits running peer-to-peer fundraising campaigns to link their external fundraising pages directly to Facebook.

Have you used Facebook to receive donations for your nonprofit? Leave your thoughts in the comments. 

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Comments 5

  1. Christina Fortin

    I have set up donation page thru Facebook and the Non Profit has not received the money that my friends and I donated? ARC of Martin County is the Non Profit that has received the donated monies thru Facebook.

  2. Beverlyn Dyvonne Harrison

    Good Afternoon Julia, My friend chose to have friends give her Birthday money as a donation through FB to the non profit organization of her choice back in April 2018. We have reached out on multiple occasions but the organization still has not received the payment. Can you please help me.

    Beverlyn Harrison

    1. Post
      Julia Claire Campbell

      Hi Beverlyn,

      Thanks for reaching out. I don’t know the backend of Facebook at all or really why they do what they do – your best bet is to go to, scroll down to Contact our support team and click on the Chat button. Someone should be able to help you there.

      I recommend contacting Abigail through Second Story, the nonprofit where she works – the podcast she produces is here:

      I’m so glad you are getting a lot out of the trainings! Thanks for watching.


  3. lee

    I’m hoping to receive at least an email from the non profit that I sponsored on my birthday via Facebook.
    Would be nice to know they received it.
    I read through your article , I guess this might take some time…

    1. Post
      Julia Claire Campbell

      This is the HUGE problem with Facebook Fundraisers – the nonprofit may not get your information so they may not be able to contact you! I suggest reaching out to them on their FB Page to make sure they have your info, and give them your email so they can send you a proper thank you.

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