Since my brand new program for nonprofit fundraisers, The Digital Fundraising Formula opened the doors last week, I’m proud to say there have been some really awesome people who have joined! Seriously, I am blown away by who is joining, and who wants to raise more money online using my proven system.
And of course, I’ve also had a LOT of questions. (Which you know I love!)
And since class starts on September 20 with the first live session, I thought I’d take a couple minutes to give you some answers.
Here are some As to your Qs:
Q: I’ve been burned by online courses so basically I’m skeptical of everything and need to know: How can I trust you?
A: First off, I GET IT! I’ve been burned too. Everybody and their sister has an online course they’re trying to sell me lately. I’m sure you know exactly what I’m talking about here.
But the good news? You don’t have to take a gamble. You don’t have to cross your fingers and hope this will work for you.
First, if you want a test drive, fabulous! You can watch a ton of my online videos that show off my teaching style.
From those videos, you’ll see exactly my style of teaching and areas of expertise. And get a helping of what The Digital Fundraising Formula is all about and what it can do for you.
(Chances are, if you’re reading this, you may have already watched some or all of those videos. Love you!)
If you watch them and don’t extract value, then don’t buy the course. It will be a let-down for you.
BUT if you feel the opposite, then what are you waiting for? Let’s do this.
I give you a total guarantee so you can try it out and see if you like it — risk-free.
Q: I’m allergic to technology and always feel overwhelmed by digital stuff. Is The Digital Fundraising Formula right for me?
A: I have many superpowers, and one of them is breaking things down into bite-sized pieces and making it easy to digest.
You don’t need ANY previous technology skills to plan a successful fundraising campaign online. I walk through exactly how to plan, launch, and execute a wildly successful campaign. And we do it together!
Don’t know how to tell the difference between a Facebook Fundraiser and an Instagram donate sticker? Or even what the heck that last sentence means and why its important?
Fear not. I’ve got you covered {{ subscriber.first_name }}!
I’m here to guide you and save you a boatload of money and TIME when you enroll in The Digital Fundraising Formula… even if you’ve never launched a digital fundraising campaign in your whole life.
Q. Alright, already. When does this start? And how long do I have access?
It starts with a live training on September 20. The full syllabus with dates is here.
You also get lifetime access to everything, so only you decide how fast (or slow) your pace needs to be.
Ready to join? Awesome! I seriously cannot wait to see how much you learn and do for yourself inside The Digital Fundraising Formula. Click here and let’s do this thing!
Here’s the thing…
You weren’t meant to join this course if you’re someone who has a lot of time and can just get on YouTube or the blogosphere and figure things out. And this definitely isn’t for anyone who feels a nauseous about buying.
I want you to be excited about The Digital Fundraising Formula! Not skeptical or pressured.
I hope being a member of this email list has shown you my level of passion for not just digital fundraising, but for you, too Julia! I truly care for all my members and only bring you things I know are going to help your nonprofit journey.
You are meant to be in this program if you want to take charge of digital fundraising and make your website, email list, and social media channels work for YOU!
Let ME help you lay out all the nitty-gritty parts of a digital fundraising campaign like:
- When to post
- What to post
- How to collect all of the information
- How to create a calendar
- How to get staff/co-workers on board
- How to promote your campaign
And let me do it in a way that makes sense to you.
I created this exact process through working with nonprofit clients for over 10 years, plus being a Director of Development/Marketing Director/All The Hats for years before that!
So if you’re ready to start taking your digital fundraising into your own hands and stop leaving it up to chance… or wheel-spinning… or interns?… then I invite you, to join me inside The Digital Fundraising Formula.
And remember, this is the beta opening so you can get in right now for only $397.
Just click here to join now. You won’t regret it. 🙂
Wanna know what you’ll get?
Here is one last look:
4 training modules taught LIVE each week by Julia, with manageable homework (the best part – during the live sessions, we start in on the homework together!)
Weekly live Study Hall sessions, where we review the homework, share what we accomplished that week, and get all of your burning questions answered.
Action-packed checklists, worksheets, and resource guides for each module to keep you on track, progressing, and taking action.
5+ hours of on-demand video BONUS trainings.
Exclusive Facebook community just for students, to give you deeper support and peer guidance.
Lifetime access to the course and all updates. (Yep! I said LIFETIME.)
You walk away with a plan, a system, and tons of checklists and worksheets so you can hit the ground running for year-end or anytime-in-the-future fundraising!
Got more questions? You know what to do. Email me and let’s chat. Or better yet, DM me on Twitter or Instagram! I really want you to make the best choice for you and if you feel a chat would help with that, let’s do it.