**CORRECTION: The post in question was a guest post by Jay Jones from Heller Consulting and not written by Frank Barry. I apologize for the mix-up.** Yesterday a blog I read avidly and respect (NetWitsThinkTank.com by Blackbaud) published a post full of assumptions about nonprofits and social media, and I feel that I need to respond. The title of the post – The …
Raising More Money With Social Media Tools
Today I am giving a talk on how to raise more money using social media tools. (Spoiler – It takes some time and commitment, but it is doable!) If you are free, and near Lexington, MA, come check it out! More details at The Nonprofit Net website. My slides are below. Enjoy! Raising More Money Using Social Media Tools from …
Top 10 Takeaways – Social Media for Nonprofits Conference
Yesterday was the Boston Social Media for Nonprofits Conference at the Microsoft NERD Center at MIT. Despite the rain and the horrific traffic, I am happy that I attended. Ritu Sharma (Co-Founder & Executive Director) and Darian Rodriguez Heyman (Co-Founder & Head of External Partnerships) put on a fantastic event, with a great roster of speakers, lots of time built …
What’s wrong with this picture?
At first glance, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the above flyer promoting The Jimmy Fund’s annual “Strike Out Cancer” radio/telethon. Then it dawned on me. Where is the information about a mobile and social media campaign? There is an 800 number and a (very long) URL. No Facebook button, no Twitter link, no Pinterest logo. (To be fair, if …