Social Media for Social Good Academy is opening soon! Don’t miss out or lose your spot – get on the Early Interest List by clicking here. As we bid a not-so-fond farewell to the past year, I hope that you were able to spend some time in the past few days to rest and rejuvenate. Our work – nonprofit digital …
My Three Words for 2017
Can you condense your New Year’s Resolutions down to just three words? (Yes I know it’s February, but bear with me, it’s still the start of a new year!) Why Three Words? Even though I have been a long-time fan of Chris Brogan, and I am an avid reader of Rob Hatch’s email musings, I have never created my own …
10 Nonprofit Social Media Resolutions for 2014 (part 2 of 2)
Part 1 of this two-part series is here. It’s not too late to create resolutions for the New Year! As a busy nonprofit professional, you have to wear many hats and extinguish multiple fires each day. With technology changing so rapidly and social media moving so quickly, how will you know what to prioritize in 2014? Here are the last …
10 Nonprofit Social Media Resolutions for 2014 (part 1 of 2)
It’s not too late to create resolutions for the New Year! As a busy nonprofit professional, you have to wear many hats and extinguish multiple fires each day. With technology changing so rapidly and social media moving so quickly, how will you know what to prioritize in 2014? Here are my top 10 nonprofit social media resolutions for 2014: 1) …
13 Nonprofit Social Media New Year’s Resolutions for 2013
The end of the year is a time for reflection, for relaxation and for introspection. In the fast-paced, minute-to-minute, rapidly-changing world of social media, taking the time to see the bigger picture becomes especially important. Nonprofit professionals should take a moment to take stock of their social media marketing efforts in 2012 and ask themselves the following questions: How did …