Have you signed up for today’s webinar? It’s hosted by NPO Connect, and I will be discussing ways to use all the communication channels available to nonprofits in a comprehensive and cohesive way. Sign up here!
Description: Social and Web 2.0 technologies have changed not just how we market and promote our programs and services, but also how we manage and lead our organizations, and how we build communities and create movements.
Understanding the multichannel landscape is more important than ever before, as the pace of change is growing exponentially.
Email communications, social media, and mobile are important, but how will they help your nonprofit and the issues you work on every day?
Most importantly, how the heck do you integrate and utilize these tools successfully without losing your mind?
This webinar will help you answer these questions, and will guide you through the planning and implementation of online multichannel strategies that will spark advocacy, raise money and promote deeper community engagement in order to achieve social change in real time.
Register for this webinar and receive a coupon code which will enable you to sign up for a second webinar of your choice for Free! (That’s 3 hours of skill coaching from nationally recognized experts for $15.00!)
Can’t make the webinar? No problem! Register as if you were attending, and you will receive full access to the recorded webinar and slides following the live webinar.
Date of Webinar: 06/18/2013 – 12:00pm to 1:30pm EDT
Cost: $15.00
I hope you can join me! Sign up now – there are still spots available!
photo credit: kdonovangaddy via photopin cc
Comments 11
#Marketing Multichannel Strategies for #Nonprofits [#Webinar] Today with @JuliaCSocial! http://t.co/XD45qkvrdu
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/9IrcsFGunI via @JuliaCSocial
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/2ztKiouX1D via @JuliaCSocial
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/Kp9peePdd2 via @JuliaCSocial
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/uHPcWzftZw via @JuliaCSocial
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/FeYWadFEjJ via @JuliaCSocial
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/mHAnBwopyr via @JuliaCSocial
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/IVkwXE5sHj via @JuliaCSocial
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/qR7z0kUxRy via @JuliaCSocial
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/gIsC8D8HMD via @JuliaCSocial
Multichannel Strategies for Nonprofits [Webinar] http://t.co/MScyudFeC3 via @JuliaCSocial