I have heard the same complaint from every single nonprofit client that I work with – they are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out by their always-growing marketing and fundraising To Do list. You are not alone in feeling this way!
There are constantly emails to send out, a website to update, a Facebook page and Twitter feed to manage, Instagram and Snapchat to explore, plus phone calls and meetings… so how to get it all done?
How can you re-focus, re-prioritize, and get yourself back on track with your online communications?
With a Strategic Online Nonprofit Communications Plan!
Your Strategic Online Communications Plan is the road map for all of your nonprofit communications work, to ensure that you are consistently and systematically using the best platforms to accomplish your nonprofit’s unique communications goals.
Register for my LIVE webinar on September 6 and I will walk your through, step-by-step, the creation of your very own Strategic Online Nonprofit Communications Plan. (You even get a workbook to follow along and jot down notes!)
Small nonprofits can do this. Large nonprofits can do this. YOU can do this!!
Whether your nonprofit is large or small, has a huge online presence or is just starting out, I will show you how to create a Strategic Online Communications Plan that will help you focus and prioritize your communications efforts and stop spinning your wheels.
In this LIVE webinar, I will walk you step-by-step through the goal selection process, how to determine your target audience, how to craft a compelling message, how to select and prioritize the online platforms that will work best for your specific nonprofit, and how to measure your results and report on progress and successes.
You will leave refreshed, focused, less stressed, and ready to get started!
During This Live Interactive Nonprofit Webinar You Will Learn:
How to create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-oriented) goals for your nonprofit online communications efforts
How to match actionable objectives to your SMART goals
How to identify your target audience
How to develop a compelling, emotional message for your online communications
How to choose the right online communications platforms for your nonprofit
How to best use the three most popular online communications platforms for nonprofits – a dynamic website, an email list, and Facebook Page
How to incorporate effective nonprofit storytelling in your Strategic Online Communications Plan
How to fill up your Editorial Calendar with great content topics so that the online well will never runs dry
How to determine which online metrics you should measure, where to find them, and how to put them into a Measurement Spreadsheet for easy analysis and reporting
Bonus Materials
Strategic Online Nonprofit Communications Plan Workbook
Finding Great Online Content – Worksheet
Editorial Calendar template
Measurement Spreadsheet template
6 Types of Stories You Should Be Telling on Social Media e-book
The Slides and Webinar Recording
I hope you can join me and start taking control of your work day and your online communications.
Register: https://hp156.isrefer.com/go/communications/campbell/