OK. We need to have a serious sit down discussion about your blog. (NOTE: If you have a wonderful, perfect blog with thousands of regular readers, then this post is not for you.) Your blog can use some improvement. Sorry to say it, but it can. I’m here to tell you why. Disclaimer! I am certainly not the be all, …
Social Media – What’s Hot…What’s Not
I am thrilled to present this morning on the topic “Social Media: What’s Hot… And What’s Not” at The Enterprise Center at Salem State University! Please enjoy my presentation, and leave me a comment! Thanks for stopping by. If you can’t see the slideshow above, please click on this link: Social Media – What’s Hot…What’s Not – J Campbell Social Marketing from …
5 content ideas for nonprofit blogs, tweets, posts and pins
Is your Facebook page a ghost town? Have you neglected to tweet in days (or, heaven forbid, weeks)? Does your organization suffer from “blogger’s block”? Shake off the cobwebs, open the blinds and try these five ideas for putting fresh content on your social media sites. 1) Post interesting photos of your nonprofit in action. Take photos of your office, …