Gauging Your Nonprofit's Recruitment Approach: 4 Tips

Gauging Your Nonprofit’s Recruitment Approach: 4 Tips

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media

As we enter a new year, your nonprofit is likely in the thick of goal-setting for fundraising, marketing, and more. However, achieving goals like increasing your capacity or improving team effectiveness is only possible with talented employees—and the best way to source the most ideal additions to your team is through recruitment. Yet, many nonprofits struggle in this area—according to …

Social Media for Social Good Academy opens next week - will you be there?

Who is this for?

Julia Claire Campbell Marketing, Nonprofits, Online Fundraising, Social Media

Social Media for Social Good Academy opens next week – will you be there? I’ve gotten a few questions as to who should take this course. It’s for the nonprofit person or social change agent responsible for social media – for the posting, for the creating of content, for the strategy, for keeping ALL the balls in the air. If you struggle …

4 Sustainable Fundraising Revenue Streams for Nonprofits

Julia Claire Campbell Fundraising, Nonprofits, Online Fundraising

Most nonprofits know how to capitalize on periods of elevated giving throughout the year, such as cause months, Giving Tuesday, and the year-end season. However, with so much fundraising focusing on maximizing these opportunities, it’s easy to overlook strategies to boost daily donations. When nonprofits want to grow their capacity or take on large projects, they need consistent, reliable revenue. …

4 Stewardship Strategies to Strengthen Donor Relationships

4 Stewardship Strategies to Strengthen Donor Relationships

Julia Claire Campbell Email, Fundraising, Nonprofits

Whether your nonprofit is celebrating the conclusion of a successful capital campaign, its highest year-end giving total to date, or great turnout and engagement at a fundraising event, your donors are critical to your achievements. More than that, their generosity empowers you to do more for your community and cause. Naturally, they deserve your organization’s gratitude for their contributions! However, …

Social Media for Social Good Academy – now enrolling

Julia Claire Campbell Marketing, Nonprofits, Social Media

I’m excited and I can’t wait to tell you.  The doors are open to enroll for the 2025 class of Social Media for Social Good Academy.  Full details on the live training dates are HERE. (If you can’t attend any live, you’ll still get lifetime access to the recordings, slides, and all materials.) Enroll Now! Two pricing plans available It’s a …

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4 Strategies for Mobilizing Volunteers on Social Media

Julia Claire Campbell Social Media, Volunteers

If you’re an experienced marketing pro, social media is already on your radar as a valuable communication channel for acquiring donors and spreading awareness of your cause. But you can also use social media platforms to strengthen another facet of your support base — volunteers.  Your existing volunteers are some of the best marketing tools in your toolkit for boosting …

☑️ Meta Verified for Nonprofits

Julia Claire Campbell Facebook, Nonprofits, Social Media

I wanted to share some news from Meta that could impact the way you use their platforms. (If you want to stay on top of social media trends that impact nonprofits, be sure to come to this week’s Nonprofit Social Media Summit – get your free ticket here!) Meta recently rolled out an expansion to its paid verification program, Meta Verified, now …