Did you miss Part 1? Click here to read it! Last week I discussed ways that you and your organization can find your biggest online supporters, also called Brand Ambassadors. So now, hopefully, you’ve found some online supporters that are ready and willing to spread the word about your cause, your event and/or your fundraising campaign. What do you do with them? 1) …
How to Find and Engage Your Biggest Online Supporters – Part 1 of 3
The truth remains that even in the rapid-fire world of technology, the Internet, social media and mobile tools, the most effective form of fundraising is still the personal ask. People will not support your organization and your cause if they are not given a compelling reason to do so. And what better reason than because a beloved relative or trusted friend has asked them to? Consider …
5 quick and dirty tips for nonprofits participating in an online giving challenge
Today nonprofits throughout Boston are participating in an online giving challenge, and I am happy to be spreading the word! The Giving Common Challenge is a 36-hour event that started at 8:00 am EDT today and runs through 8:00 pm EDT on October 11, 2012. Over 60 prizes totaling $151,000 will be awarded to qualifying organizations during the challenge period. More details on The …
Visualization on Social Media for Social Good [Infographic]
Logan Harper, the community manager for UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Government’s new online Masters in Public Administration program (MPA@UNC), reached out to me to post his new infographic on Social Media for Social Good. In it, he provides examples of successful nonprofit social media advocacy campaigns, as well as the elements of successful campaigns and emerging trends in charitable giving …
“The Truth” About Social Media and Nonprofits – Or Just Assumptions?
**CORRECTION: The post in question was a guest post by Jay Jones from Heller Consulting and not written by Frank Barry. I apologize for the mix-up.** Yesterday a blog I read avidly and respect (NetWitsThinkTank.com by Blackbaud) published a post full of assumptions about nonprofits and social media, and I feel that I need to respond. The title of the post – The …
It’s not about the Klout – It’s about the passion.
When I first read about Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen (from Beth Kanter’s blog post regarding #GivingTuesday), I was immediately smitten. Laura AA (as she calls herself) wrote a great book called Giving 2.0: Transform Your Giving and Our World. There are two key takeaway messages in the book: “It’s not about how much you give; it’s about how you give.” “A philanthropist …
Are you using social media for the right reasons?
When discussing the creation of a social media marketing campaign with clients, I always start with a plan. Planning is not very popular – people want to sign up and dive in to the social media pool. Since I believe that planning is a vital piece of the social media puzzle, I always insist on doing it first. During the …
Raising More Money With Social Media Tools
Today I am giving a talk on how to raise more money using social media tools. (Spoiler – It takes some time and commitment, but it is doable!) If you are free, and near Lexington, MA, come check it out! More details at The Nonprofit Net website. My slides are below. Enjoy! Raising More Money Using Social Media Tools from …
Using humor in fundraising
Humor! Why didn’t we think of that? Flight of the Conchords, a hilarious pop duo from New Zealand, has reminded all of us working in nonprofits that our fundraising appeals don’t have to be all doom and gloom. They released a witty, catchy charity fundraising song called “Feel Inside (And Stuff Like That)” on iTunes, with all the proceeds to …