Nonprofits often struggle with making themselves heard and understood. We have fantastic ideas to share with the world – but why is it so hard to get seen and get noticed? My guest this week is best-selling author and TED speaker Tamsen Webster. She explains, “Your idea has a story, because your idea is a story—and your audience needs to …
How Nonprofits Can Engage Millennial Donors and Volunteers [SLIDES]
Yesterday I presented at the Liberty Bank Foundation Go Boldly nonprofit conference. The conference theme was focused on the sustainability and growth of the sector – ways that nonprofits can change and adapt in order to thrive in the future. My workshop topic was How Nonprofits Can Engage Millennial Donors and Volunteers. Millennials, NextGen, Gen Y – while they are …
Learn social media and digital marketing from nonprofit experts
I hope that you are in the Boston area on October 19th, because you do not want to miss the Boston Social Media for Nonprofits Conference! Grab your coffee and don’t be late, because yours truly is presenting at 10 AM! Topic: 11 Steps to a Successful Nonprofit Social Media Strategy. Description: Creating a strategy for using social media is no longer …
Telling Your Story Using Social Media [Presentation]
Here are my slides from tonight’s presentation – Telling Your Story Using Social Media. I was honored to be part of such an amazing panel of speakers!
6 ways to overcome The Curse of Knowledge and communicate more effectively
Last night I taught a two-hour seminar on LinkedIn at a local community college. I love teaching there – I also teach a longer, more in depth social media course for nonprofits that will hopefully be available again in the fall. I am not a college professor by nature. I excel at one-on-one coaching and small group, intensive, hands-on trainings. …