10 Ways to Build Loyalty Among Your Online Community Members

10 Ways to Build Loyalty Among Your Online Community Members

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media, Strategy 42 Comments

It seems to me that nonprofit social media campaigns are still focused on the numbers game – collecting the most Likes on Facebook, the most Twitter and Pinterest followers and the most views on YouTube. Building up sheer numbers of Likes and views, without motivating people to take action, is misguided. I always say that quality beats quantity any day …

Julia’s Nonprofit Social Media Checklist

Julia Claire Campbell Marketing, Nonprofits, Social Media, Strategy 63 Comments

I’m speaking at the Essex County Community Foundation’s Institute for Trustees on March 22, and the topic is “Online Marketing & Social Media: What a Board Member Needs to Know”. If you’ve seen me speak, you know I cram in a ton of information into my sessions, and this one is just one hour. I wanted to come up with …

Multichannel Marketing for the Small Nonprofit

Multichannel Marketing for the Small Nonprofit {PRESENTATION}

Julia Claire Campbell Marketing, Nonprofits, Social Media, Speaking, Strategy 17 Comments

I was fortunate this morning to give a workshop with the Foundation for MetroWest on “Multichannel Marketing for the Small Nonprofit“. There were many requests for the slides, so here they are! Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions. Multichannel Marketing for the Small Nonprofit from Julia Campbell @JuliaCSocial Description: Social and Web 2.0 technologies have changed not just how …

10 Nonprofit Social Media Resolutions for 2014 (part 2 of 2)

10 Nonprofit Social Media Resolutions for 2014 (part 2 of 2)

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media, Strategy 9 Comments

Part 1 of this two-part series is here. It’s not too late to create resolutions for the New Year! As a busy nonprofit professional, you have to wear many hats and extinguish multiple fires each day. With technology changing so rapidly and social media moving so quickly, how will you know what to prioritize in 2014? Here are the last …

10 Nonprofit Social Media Resolutions for 2014 (part 1)

10 Nonprofit Social Media Resolutions for 2014 (part 1 of 2)

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media, Strategy 5 Comments

It’s not too late to create resolutions for the New Year! As a busy nonprofit professional, you have to wear many hats and extinguish multiple fires each day. With technology changing so rapidly and social media moving so quickly, how will you know what to prioritize in 2014? Here are my top 10 nonprofit social media resolutions for 2014: 1)     …

A Simple Way To Get More Social Media Engagement This Holiday Season

A Simple Way To Get More Social Media Engagement This Holiday Season

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media, Strategy 40 Comments

Nonprofits everywhere are always looking for more engagement and interaction from their online communities. As the holiday season approaches, everyone is going to have “giving” on the brain (at least, we hope). So how to leverage this season of generosity while also fostering genuine online interaction with your community? How about asking your supporters and donors WHY they give? Guidestar …

Idealware Nonprofit Technology Pyramid

Are you sure your nonprofit is ready for social media?

Julia Claire Campbell Marketing, Nonprofits, Social Media, Strategy 29 Comments

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. The famous framework states that you are not able to reach the upper levels of the human experience – “self-actualization” and “esteem” – without the bottom levels being satisfied – breathing, food, water, sex, sleep, etc. I see digital marketing (and all marketing) tools through this …

What Are The Best and Worst Times to Post on Social Media Networks?

What are the best and worst times to post on social media networks?

Julia Claire Campbell Social Media, Strategy 40 Comments

Everyone is looking to get increased engagement and interaction on their social media posts. We all know that consistently providing killer content and cultivating a dedicated audience (or tribe) is the key to social media success. But what times are best to post to your audience? (Disclaimer: There is no one size fits all in social media, just helpful guidelines …

Social media won’t solve your nonprofit’s problems

Social media won’t solve your nonprofit’s problems

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media, Strategy 29 Comments

Many nonprofit organizations subscribe to the “if you build it, they will come” fallacy. If you host an event, people will register. If you add a Donate Now button to your homepage, people will donate. If you create a Facebook page, people will Like the page and share your content. The problem is that none of these fundraising and marketing …