**CORRECTION: The post in question was a guest post by Jay Jones from Heller Consulting and not written by Frank Barry. I apologize for the mix-up.** Yesterday a blog I read avidly and respect (NetWitsThinkTank.com by Blackbaud) published a post full of assumptions about nonprofits and social media, and I feel that I need to respond. The title of the post – The …
Top 10 Takeaways – Social Media for Nonprofits Conference
Yesterday was the Boston Social Media for Nonprofits Conference at the Microsoft NERD Center at MIT. Despite the rain and the horrific traffic, I am happy that I attended. Ritu Sharma (Co-Founder & Executive Director) and Darian Rodriguez Heyman (Co-Founder & Head of External Partnerships) put on a fantastic event, with a great roster of speakers, lots of time built …
5 Ways to Tackle Your Nonprofit’s Fear of Social Media
Starting a social media campaign can be a scary proposition for most nonprofits. Horror stories abound – staff members going “rogue” and posting inappropriate Facebook photos, volunteers tweeting too much information, negative comments being left in LinkedIn Groups. With all the fear mongering and bad news being reported on the incorrect use of social media and online tools, it is …
11 Best Practices for Nonprofits In Social Media
This week I was asked to write a post for Massnonprofit describing my top 11 best practices for nonprofits using social media. Here is what I came up with… 11 Best Practices for Nonprofits In Social Media Nonprofits are using social media tools more than ever, but many nonprofit professionals are overwhelmed and overworked and lack …
How Nonprofits Can Harness the Power of Social Media [PRESENTATION]
Welcome members of the People’s United Bank Nonprofit Consortium! Here is a copy of this morning’s presentation, and some helpful resources for you as you dive into the social media pool. Don’t hesitate to contact me with questions or advice! Articles: 22 High-Impact, Low Cost Social Media Opportunities for Nonprofits Nonprofits and Social Media: Discovery, Cultivation, Solicitation and Stewardship Nonprofits …
How does your nonprofit stack up in using social networks?
In the beginning of the month, Blackbaud, the Nonprofit Technology Network (NTEN) and Common Knowledge released the fourth edition of the annual 2012 Nonprofit Social Networking Benchmark Report. This report is required reading for anyone working in or with nonprofits, as it provides insights as to how nonprofits are using social media tools and social networks in their overall fundraising …