10 Ways to Use Visual Storytelling

10 Ways to Use Visual Storytelling In Your #GivingTuesday Campaign

Julia Claire Campbell Fundraising, Marketing, Nonprofits, Online Fundraising, Social Media, Storytelling, Visual Marketing Leave a Comment

GivingTuesday is fast approaching, and even if you don’t want to raise money, you can always inspire! Get my free #GivingTuesday Campaign Checklist here!  In a year of unprecedented hardship and loss, storytelling connects us. Since the dawn of time, storytelling has been used as a way for humans to comfort each other, debate issues, form social alliances  Great storytelling …

How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in Social Media Storytelling

How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in Social Media for Social Good Academy

Julia Claire Campbell Content Creation, Marketing, Nonprofits, Social Media, Storytelling, Strategy, Time Management, Visual Marketing Leave a Comment

Social Media for Social Good Academy is open! Will you be one of my students? Click here to find out more. I get it! You may have to convince your boss or your Board to shell out the money for Social Media for Social Good Academy. And that is no easy feat. How do they know that it will get …

8 Irresistible Benefits of Nonprofit Social Media Storytelling

8 Irresistible Benefits of Nonprofit Social Media Storytelling

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media, Storytelling Leave a Comment

There are a myriad of benefits that can be gained through a strategic online foray into nonprofit social media storytelling – benefits that will resonate throughout the entire organization, from donors to clients to staff. Here are just some of the many benefits that nonprofits have enjoyed by using stories in their communications and fundraising efforts: 1. Seeing your mission …

5 Ways to Use Social Media to Demonstrate Impact

5 Ways to Use Social Media to Demonstrate Impact

Julia Claire Campbell Content Creation, Fundraising, Marketing, Nonprofits, Online Fundraising, Social Media, Storytelling, Strategy, Visual Marketing Leave a Comment

This is a small excerpt from my book, How to Build and Mobilize a Social Media Community for Your Nonprofit in 90 Days, coming out February 19th.   Social media provides you with an opportunity to showcase your distinctive and unique footprint on the world. Your impact is not the “what” of the services you provide – it’s the WHY. Focus …

How to Write Captivating Stories Your Audience Will Love

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Storytelling 3 Comments

Information overload. Analysis paralysis. Noise. Clutter.  It’s a crowded digital landscape, with thousands of messages and notifications being consumed by our supporters each day. How can nonprofits get their message seen by the right people? How can we not only get heard – but listened to? Pixar’s Andrew Stanton gives this answer: “Don’t give them 4. Give them 2+2.” That’s …

3 essential elements of nonprofit storytelling that persuades

3 Essential Elements of Nonprofit Storytelling That Persuades

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Storytelling 3 Comments

Nonprofits, no matter their size or mission, are working to change hearts and minds around important issues every single day. Whether you are trying to get new members for your performing arts center, to entice people to adopt dogs and cats, or to create advocacy actions around climate change – you are in the business of persuasion. To persuade is …

5 Examples of Nonprofit Storytelling that Compel People to Give

5 Examples of Nonprofit Storytelling that Compel People to Give

Julia Claire Campbell Fundraising, Marketing, Nonprofits, Storytelling, Video 1 Comment

Nonprofit storytelling is all the rage – but how to do it successfully? In my presentations and workshops with nonprofits, I review a simple storytelling framework for nonprofits and explicitly show them how to collect, craft, and share stories based on the framework. Step 1 is to grab attention. This is where digital tools, especially video, work very well. Step 2 …

How to Tell A Story Across Social Media Platforms

How to Tell A Story Across Social Media Platforms

Julia Claire Campbell Nonprofits, Social Media, Storytelling Leave a Comment

Every Monday I will create a short video answering a question from a member of the Nonprofit Social Media Storytelling Group. We call it #MailbagMonday! Check back ever Monday inside the Group to see if I answer your question!  This week I answer two nonprofit questions that are interrelated. What narrative should we use on different platforms? Do you tell the same …

How to Grab Attention and Avoid Storytelling Fatigue at Year-End

How to Grab Attention and Avoid Storytelling Fatigue at Year-End

Julia Claire Campbell Fundraising, Nonprofits, Storytelling Leave a Comment

It’s almost year-end fundraising time! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Giving Tuesday, holiday campaigns, annual reports, Thanksgiving – you name it, nonprofits are going full force these next two months to get their share of the year-end giving pie. And it’s a big pie. 30% of annual giving occurs in December – with 10% happening on the last 3 days of the year! (That’s …